Script writing for beginners and how to read it
Do you like watch tv shows and/or movies? How do the actors and actresses say their lines or how do they know what they're doing? Because it's all scripted. Because it looks like this but on how to make it make sure you watch this video. what you have seen in the video, a script has a Slugline or a scene header, a slugline or scene header establishes the time and the setting for your reader or for your production. At the start of your headline, it can be either INT. or EXT. INT. means interior and EXT. means exterior and sometimes you can see I/E meaning interior and exterior. The reason that writers are doing this so that it can be specific about the setting. For Example: INT . - LIBRARY - DAY INT. - SCHOOL - GMYNASIUM - DAY The slugline setting can be from a smaller area to a bigger area so that it can be more specific, and after the setting you will want to specify the time whether your scenes take place at day, night, moments later or later or it's continuous. ...